our robot is almost done but it has a ton of problems. it tried killing Nate about 10 times today and one of the wears was damaged so we...

Justin Bean
we are officially done with our chassis for the fourth ******* time. now its time to rebuild our am that was stolen, it seems like we...

And we're back
we've been cooped up in the magnet building for a GOOD 1-2 weeks. the movies Mr martin put on were pretty good because I've never seen...

Back to Work....not really
we're still in the magnet building watching good movies and that's all i have to say because nothing else really happened.
system reboot
last class we had the worst sub in the world, everyone just wanted to walk out because that's how bad she was but besides that we played...

The Field has Arrived
The entire field has arrived and it has been crazy playing with the cones and seeing all the tricks we can pull off. In other news we...

Rebuilding Begins
To make our robot work and look better we have decided to restart. With bigger wheels and a better gear system to help move faster we...

Moving Enabled
It's the end of the week and we have finally finished to Chassis and the Solidworks and can now start working on the claw itself....

Back From the Hurricane
We have just come back from Hurricane Irma and have continued working on the robot and Solidworks. With Solidworks done and the robot...